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By Rena Graham
For every surgical procedure it is a given that there will always be inherent risks and possible complications involved. It is important that you also know about it in order for you to make a better decision. In here we discuss the probable things that could go wrong which is related to the procedure.
One possible complication that you will be at risk to is an infection. This is because the procedure is an invasive one since it requires an incision in which to insert the implant. Once the integrity of your skin is disturbed, you will be vulnerable to the introduction of bacteria and other pathogens which can result to an infection.
After surgery you will be prescribed with an antibiotic treatment to ward off the chances of infection. Take this according to instruction. Also make sure that you follow a sterile technique when cleaning the surgical wound. Protect it with a sterile dressing.
Pain is something that you are expected to feel after surgery with the intensity depending on your pain threshold. You will be made more aware of this once the anesthesia wears off. You can relieve this by taking pain medications or applying cold compress on the area.
Sometimes bleeding either minimal or in excess can occur which can lead to pooling. For this case you need to notify your physician immediately to drain any pools of blood which is also called a hematoma, or to get a transfusion if the bleeding is profuse.
Swelling happens when intracellular fluid escapes into the extracellular area of the surgical site and accumulates. To prevent this, a compression bandage is wrapped around your leg. You can also elevate your legs while sitting or lying in bed.
Delayed Healing
Delayed healing happens when a person has poor skin health due to smoking, malnutrition or frequent alcohol consumption. Infection can also be a cause since the bacteria associated hinders the healing process. So before undergoing surgery, make sure to eat healthy, but avoid certain foods and vitamins such as vitamin E because this can promote excessive bleeding which also stalls healing. Also ensure that you maintain a sterile technique when cleaning your wound.
Capsular Contracture
The scar tissue that forms around the implant can cause it to tighten and this can be painful. This may occur months or years after the surgery. The only way to relieve it is by surgery for removal or replacement of the implant.
Implant Displacement
Do listen to your doctor when he tells you to take it easy especially during the first few months after surgery. If you leave this be, it can cause implant displacement or shifting, and the only cure for this is surgery. So cut down on cost and additional trauma, make sure to avoid any strenuous activities such as exercise and contact sports.
Asymmetrical Outcome
When there is inadequate evaluation on the part of the surgeon, there is a tendency for the outcome to look unbalanced. It might be caused by improper positioning of the implants. Unfortunately for this you would need a corrective procedure for this poorly done calf augmentation surgery.
About the Author: Risks and complications are always going to be present in every surgery including
calf augmentation
. But we at Esteem Cosmetic Studio make it a point that you only have the least worries as we ensure the best and safest techniques with the
top cosmetic surgeons in Australia
. For more information you can visit our clinics located in Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.
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