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By Mario Churchill
Free templated sample cover letters can have a bankrupting effect on your job search. Using a sample that you find on the Internet or in a book is never a wise investment if you are serious about your intentions. The serious job-seeker knows the importance of an outstanding cover letter. If you compile an original cover letter filled with valuable, interesting information about you, your job search will not end up in the red.
Often times, a company wants to know what you think of your own monetary value. Posted job openings sometimes request that the applicant include a salary request with the cover letter. It is important to note that if the advertisement for the job does not specifically ask for this information, it is best to leave it out and address it once you secure the interview. If a job description does require desired salary information it has to be broached with caution and a few other considerations.
Requests for a salary history or requirement can be a little intimidating. Do not forego the request for the sake of your own comfort. If you neglect to include the information that a company asks for, you may be perceived as apathetic. It could also cause the hiring manager to question your ability to follow directions. Choose not to take the easy way out and go ahead and buckle down and do what it takes to calculate realistic figures.
There are a couple of formulas you can apply to determine how to approach your salary requirements. No matter which option you choose, be sure to indicate some degree of flexibility in regards to financial compensation. One route you can take is to tell the hiring manager that your salary requirements are negotiable based on the position and the benefit package you will receive. Another direction gives the potential salary range that you are willing to accept. But bear in mind that if an applicant chooses this option it should still be indicated that numbers are negotiable. This tip might keep you in the running for just a little longer than the next applicant.
When you bring up the issue of salary be as brief as possible. A simple statement of your desired income is more than enough to fulfill the potential employer’s request. Your intent is to meet the requested criteria, not to launch into a diatribe as to why you feel that your request is appropriate. If you have doubts as to ‘how much’, do your research. Consult credible sources and develop a general idea of what the job is worth. Keep in mind that with the cost of living factors into the equation. Where you live directly influences how much your salary will be. Do not overlook the significance of asking for a reasonable, regionally-suitable amount and do not forget to make it flexible.
Finally, use the other content of the cover letter to stand out among all of the other applicants. The salary aspect is only a very small portion of the letter itself. The majority of what you have to say is about what you can do for the hiring company. Sell yourself as a must -have employee that they can not afford to let slip through their hands. Do something unique and memorable like craft a bold headline that lets the reader know where you are coming from immediately. Mind your p’s and q’s and your cover letter should tip the balance over to your side of the scales.
All cover letters serve the same purpose. Cover letters sell the applicant to the hiring manager. They provide an attractive appealing ‘cover’ of you as a person, also. The cover letter works hard to keep the reader’s time invested in learning more about the applicant. The more time a hiring manger invests in reviewing your qualifications and experience, the more likely it is that you will receive an expedient response. Sample cover letters and salary requirement letters are contrived and overused. Chances are a hiring manager has already seen the same ones over and over again. Take these steps to ensure that your cover letter and salary requirement are up to par and you should hear from the hiring manager in no time.
About the Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on
sample cover letter salary requirement
checkout his recommended website.
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