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Submitted by: Bill Burch
Most of us spend some time thinking about our future and consider goals. Here are three possible resolutions whether for the New Year or for your business. The start date doesn t matter. Sooner is better than later. There is never a better time than the present to start doing more to take control of your life and the life of your business!
Number 1: Take some time to honestly assess your business current condition. Do what it takes to create the best financial assessment of your business at a particular moment in time. Since I m writing this on New Year s Eve maybe assess and look at your December 31 numbers. With these in hand, sit down with a pad of paper or at your computer and do a S.W.O.T. analysis. S.W.O.T. stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Start by writing STENGTHS at the top of a page. Then create a bulleted list of business strengths. Maybe it is a key employee that is wonderful. Maybe it is new software that puts you ahead of your competitors. Maybe it is your solid client base. You might have your ear to the ground and know what your competition is worried about relative to things you are better at than they are. The rest goes the same way. Once you are done you can use this as an action tool to direct your actions and set goals into the future. At worst it can be saved and then reviewed next year at the same time to see what kind of movement your business is making in the world.
Number 2: Push yourself and your business one step further into the future by learning, adopting, or implementing some new technology or simply dedicate yourself to some regular time learning. Many business owners are very cautious (being kind) when it comes to learning and trying new things. I ll let you in on a secret. If you know how to do internet searches using Google, Bing, or Yahoo you already know everything you need to know to learn more. YouTube is also a great place to learn new things. Simply go to YouTube and type in the word or name of what you want to learn and follow it with the word tutorial . Likely you ll find hundreds of free videos that will teach you about the thing you are interested in.
Number 3: Be clear about what you want and work harder to communicate it. It is hard to experience great things if you didn t expect them in the first place. Take some time and write down some ideas about what you want for your business and then follow up by repeatedly sharing your desires with all those you work with and whom you are friends with. For whatever reason, this system works. Some think that there is some supernatural communication system. Others think it is other things. Personally I think everyone has a need for achievement and if they know what you are trying to achieve, helping you achieve is a form of achievement for them.
There isn t anyone else that can do this stuff for you. These are things that great and successful people have done to reach their dreams. Give these a try. They might do more for your health and well-being than a promise to yourself to eat less. They might prove easier too!
Bill Burch is the founder of Commercial Resources, Inc. located in Centerville, Iowa. Commercial Resources, Inc. is a professional services firm providing accounting, bookkeeping, and professional employer services to small businesses with less than 75 employees.
About the Author: More information and resources can be found at this website
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