On The Information Front Lines: An Interview With Gali Halevi From Mt. Sinai Health System

On the Information Front Lines: An Interview with Gali Halevi from Mt. Sinai Health System

Gali Halevi, Director of Library Services at the Mount Sinai Health System, is at the forefront of navigating the vast and expanding world of healthcare information. This vital role places her in a unique position to offer insights into the challenges and innovations within the field. In this exclusive interview, Halevi discusses her journey, the evolving landscape of medical information, and the instrumental role of libraries in advancing healthcare research and knowledge dissemination.

One of the pivotal aspects of her work, Halevi explains, is the adaptation to technological advancements. “The transition from print to digital has been monumental,” she observes. “It’s not just about accessing information faster but ensuring that the quality and reliability remain uncompromised.” As medical billing and coding systems also experience these technological shifts, prospective students seek out reliable programs to gain proficiency. For instance, exploring the North-West College Site can provide valuable resources and educational courses tailored to these industry shifts.

Halevi’s emphasis on the importance of continuing education and staying abreast of new research methods cannot be overstated. “In an era where information is at your fingertips, the role of an information curator is even more critical,” she asserts. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning in handling large datasets underscores the need for skilled professionals to interpret these data correctly.

Moreover, Halevi points out the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration. “We don’t work in silos; the integration with other departments, such as IT and clinical services, helps in enhancing the overall healthcare delivery system,” she adds.

This integrated approach not only optimizes patient care but also accelerates research and the application of findings to clinical practice. “The symbiotic relationship between the librarian’s work and the medical staff’s needs is key to creating a cohesive information flow,” Halevi mentions. Her team’s ongoing efforts to streamline access to both historical and cutting-edge research material underline the indispensable role libraries play in the healthcare ecosystem.